
23 Jun 2003

Compartilhe do sentimento no Parque de Herbert em 6:00 PM Terça-feira.

Travelling Supporters, 

• Herbert Park Rangers fans were delighted this weekend to find their favourite team playing a one-off, challenge match on Sunday at home in the Stadio Olympico Herbert Park Neucamp Maine Road Bernabau Giants Stadium of Light. They were less delighted at the display of football on offer…

• Highlight of the weekend has to be the performance of the club’s star defender (no, not KP, the other one - Liz). Yes, indeed, our Croatian signing, Liz Palcic, formerly of Hajduk Split, got a first in her degree. Liz is celebrating by reading the new Harry Potter book and doesn’t want to know who dies in the book. So don’t tell her. 

• Lots of players out on loan to French (Alps) teams this week, with worrying reports of injuries filtering back to the Board. We hope everyone will return fit and well. 

• Portuguese Footballing Phrase of the Week: In a week that sees one of the greatest sporting event of the year running parallel with Tuesday’s game at 6:00 PM in Herbert Park, we are all asked to: ‘compartilhe do sentimento‘ which of course means ‘share the feeling.’ 


