
16 Jun 2003

Terça-feira já Jesus, aonde a semana vai.


• The Board of Herbert Park Rangers, on your behalf, was last week involved in secret negotiations with A.C. Milan with a view to selling Carl Dempsey to the European Champions. Talks have now been abandoned with all parties expressing ‘disappointment’ at the lack of progress. A Milanese spokesman claimed that the entire episode was a ‘mistake’ claiming that they had been lead to believe the player in question was Juan Sebastian Veron of Manchester United and not Carl Dempsey of Herbert Park Rangers, of whom he claims ‘never to have heard.’ Herbert Park Rangers, for our part, deny false presentation, pointing out that Carl Dempsey is known in some circles as ‘the Juan Sebastian Veron of Ballsbridge’ and that this is where the confusion arose. Dempsey, for his part, is on record as saying that the President of A.C. Milan, Silvio Berliosconi, is ‘bald.’ Dempsey will continue in his current role at the Stadio Olympico Herbert Park Neucamp Maine Road Bernabau Stadium of Light. 

• Portuguese Footballing Phrase of the Week: In celebration of the national team’s excellent result over the past week, this week we pay tribute to Gary Breen with a Portuguese translation of the much-loved terrace chant: “Nós somos todos que sonham de onze Gary Breens, onze Gary Breens, onze Gary Breens” which means “We’re all dreaming of eleven Gary Breens, eleven Gary Breens, eleven Gary Breens” 

• Sing your hearts out tomorrow in Herbert Park at 6:00 PM. 


